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It's Spring everyone! Hope you guys are doing well! Super excited about warmer weather hitting RVA and bringing out that sunshine, birds chirping and the beautiful flowers!

There's something quite poetic or interesting about the Spring season. We see newborn babies in bird nests and young deer following closely behind their mother's as they learn how life works.

Another theme we think about in Spring is the coming of Easter. At Easter, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, who died on a cross so that we may live free from the bondage of sin and have a loving and personal relationship with God!

When we hear that word "resurrection" what do we think of? Maybe we think about coming back to life. We think of rebirth or being reborn. And the season of Spring shares this theme of "resurrection" and we can witness it right outside our windows.

The flowers blooming on the ground and in the trees. The birds chirping as the sun rises over a pastel blue sky! Newborn animals roaming around grass that they've never smelt, seen or walked on before.

This beautifully resembles what we celebrate at Easter! And this doesn't have to just be true for the world around us or outside our windows, but it can also be true for us!

During this time, as we feel stuck inside or bored out of minds, what are some ways that we can become new?

Maybe we can find new hobbies that we've wanted to learn for a long time. Maybe we can develop closer relationships with our families and siblings that we may have not had the opportunity to do before. Maybe we can develop new habits that helps us grow closer with God.

In this Spring season, let's take a breath and take a look at the reborn world around us! Let's take a second to admire the trees blooming with flowers, the blue sky and the sunshine!


There's a song that comes to mind that captures the season of Spring in such an awesome way! Check it out and listen to the lyrics!

"Springtime" by Chris Renzema


Thank you guys and if you have any questions, comments or just want to talk, head on over to the Youth Lounge , enter the chat, write your name and send me a message! Would love to hear what you guys are up to!

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