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"Social Distancing"

This is a word that you guys will probably be hearing from here-on-out. This phrase basically means to keep some space between you and others. While you guys are at home "doing your schoolwork", eating all the snacks in your pantry (maybe that's just me), and practicing your social distancing, here's a fun video that shows what "at-home" church could look like.




So, this is probably all too real right now. We're all told to stay at home from school, church, and other social activities. However, it is funny to think about. Attending church or youth in your PJs, not having to leave your seat for anything. It starts to sound like a pretty good idea, right?

But after a while, you might start to feel a little bored. You might start to feel a little lonely. You don't have your church friends or school friends there next to you and you can only get so many strikes in WiiBowling.

It is in these moments when we ask: "Why God?"


"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you."


When we read this verse, there are a few key words that stick out: when & with you


This is an interesting word in this verse. The verse doesn't say "if" you pass, but "when" you pass. God knows that in our lives we will go through tough times. We will face times of loneliness and times when we're scared. And because of this bring us to the next key word in this verse.


God says that even through those times when we feel stressed, away from friends, or even just scared, He is with us! God doesn't leave our side when things get tough. God doesn't leave our side when things are awesome! He is ALWAYS with us!


While we might feel like we are currently logging on to ""WeeFaith" or missing our friends at church or at school because we are stuck at home, remember that God knows our struggles and that He is ALWAYS with us!



The "Reflection Section" is going to be our online version of "Journal Time." This section will ask a few open-ended questions that I encourage you guys to take time out of your day to answer and think about!

1. Describe a time when you felt like you were "socially distanced" from others. How did it make you feel?

2. When we feel this way, how are we reminding ourselves that God is never "socially distanced" from us?

3. List someone close to you who might need to hear this message. Be praying for them this week as we remind ourselves that God is ALWAYS with us!


If you guys have any questions, comments, or just want to talk head over to the Youth Lounge

and enter the chat, type your name and send me a message! I would love to hear your guys' thoughts on today's blog!

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